6 Houseplants That Don’t Need Much Care

Due to our fast-paced lives, it's difficult to keep up with plant care. People who don't have enough time but want to have plants at home will love the 6 houseplants that we have compiled.

1. Snake Plant

This plant is one of the easiest to maintain among houseplants. But this is not the only reason for them to be known that much. Most plants should not be placed in bedrooms because plants are mostly unable to photosynthesize and they pollute the air at night. But these plants do not need too much light and even at night they still can produce O₂

Choose a pot with a drainage hole in the bottom. Terracotta pots work well for snake plants as they allow the soil to dry out more easily than plastic pots. Snake plants prefer bright, indirect light still they can even tolerate some direct sunlight. However, they also grow well (albeit more slowly) in shady corners of the house and other low-light areas.

This plant can be seriously affected by too much water and freezing temperatures.

2. Spider Plant

Spider Plant In Vase

Houseplants like these look gorgeous in hanging baskets and were a favorite in Victorian homes. Its long, thin leaves with white stripes droop like spiders, spilling over the edge of the pot. It has star-shaped white blooms.

They are very easy to maintain and can survive in imperfect conditions. Spider plants grow pretty quickly and can get pot-bound fast. Make sure the soil is moist in spring and summer and don't let the soil get too dry. It needs to be watered twice a day and room temperature should be paid attention to as it is not resistant to cold in winter months.

In spite of that, they're classic and attractive plants.

3. Tradescantia Zebrina

A Vase Full Of Tradescantia Zebrina

Tradescantia Zebrina is a hardy plant species that do not require fertilization. It is very tough and will thrive indoors in almost any condition.

Because this plant is so vigorous, repotting it once or a few times a year is sufficient. Tradescantia Zebrina is not a very selective plant species in terms of soil. Despite its preference for moisture, it can handle missed watering. Just watch out for yellow leaves, which could mean you're watering too much.

There are times when this plant blooms throughout the year, but most indoor plants don't.


4. Pothos

The Pothos in a Vase

It is an indispensable ornamental plant for home and office decorations, and a living room ivy that reflects the forest air with its ivy structure. Pothos is a perennial plant with climbing green leaves belonging to the Araceae family, whose homeland is the Pacific Ocean French Polynesia

It is a very easy-to-care-for and long-lasting ornamental plant. Pothos is not a fragile plant. Hence, it shows improvement even in low-light environments. As for the soil, they prefer humus, organic, permeable soils. Does not require constant watering. Keeping the soil moist can damage the roots of the plant. It is not a plant that needs a lot of nutrients.

It can be grown indoors such as at home and office. As it gets taller by climbing, support rods should be placed as it gets taller.


5. Chinese Evergreen

Chineese Evergreen Plants In A Vase

Plants like this are known for their exotic-looking leaves that come in a variety of colors. You can get plain green, mottled, spotted, and variegated plants. Most of its leaves are silver-coated with a little green. This plant is extremely low maintenance.

Although they can bloom, the attractive, leathery aeration is the main attraction. It produces tiny flowers that mature in the summer and turn into a fruit as the plant grows.

You can grow Chinese evergreen almost anywhere in your home---it tolerates low light pretty well, but it also grows fast in bright spots. Watering regularly or every few weeks and keeping the soil evenly moist is a really critical step for this plant.


6. Red Aglaonema

Vase Full With Red Aglaonema

Red aglaonemas are broadleaved tropical houseplants with green, red, and pink leaves. They're a great highlight for any structure with their light-catching properties. So if your area needs a little splash of color, aglaonema is the plant for you.

Many houseplants need as much light as you can give them, but aglaonema plants are quite resilient in this regard. It is a plant suitable for bright conditions however it can tolerate low light conditions well. As the soil dries, watering can be done 2 times a week.

To make sure people and pets are safe, you need to be extra cautious when placing an aglaonema. Because they are very toxic and make allergic reactions.


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